Meet My Pet: Mac

July 2023 MacGyver Von Floof, or “Mac” as he is now known, came to live with Clara, Liam, and Charlie’s family about 2 years ago.  Mac was born on the Stampede Midway* and was originally called Deep Fried Mac and Cheese Balls**. This family of 5 had a cat before and were ready to try […]

Spring Fling Volunteer Appreciation

July 2023 The community would like to extend a huge thank you to all our Spring Fling Volunteers, many who come out each year to help clean up our community! We couldn’t do this without all your helping hands. This year, we would like to send a special thank-you to Randy! Randy has been volunteering […]

Solar Panels Popping Up in Fairview

July 2023 One Fairview homeowner’s experience with Solar If you look up at Fairview’s rooftops you may start to notice a growing trend: Solar panels are popping up on more and more homes. Have you ever considered getting solar on your home? If so read on. We had a 4.88KW solar system installed on our […]

Found in Fairview July 2023

Yee-haw! Stampede is here!  And with it, all the free pancakes you can imagine eating, all the cowboy hats you would ever want to see and that is just on Flavelle Road! Many years ago, when my teenager was a kidlet, lower Flavelle participated in Neighbour Day.  It was fabulous!  A fire truck showed up, […]

Qigong at Flavelle Park

The 60+ Collective will have a Qigong instructor come to Flavelle Park for 8 weeks THIS SUMMER! If you would like to participate please contact Qigong, pronounced “chi gong,” was developed in China thousands of years ago as part of traditional Chinese medicine.It involves using exercises to optimize energy within the body,mind, and spirit, […]

Met My Pet: Skunks

June 2023 A great thing about Fairview is the diversity of pets we have here. We’ve got cats, dogs, lizards, and those are just the ones I’ve met!  But there are some that I haven’t had the opportunity to run into, and in this very specific case, I hope to not get too close! Rae […]

Fairview Beautification Committee

June 2023 The Faireview Community Association has received a generous grant from the Federation of Calgary Communities (FedYYC) to activate and energize a portion of Fairview Park. The Activating Spaces Grant is designed to help communities turn spaces into places! We have received the gift of some seating and a spinning puzzle tower to bring […]

Flavelle Rink Update – June 2023

June 2023 We had a great season of skating and hockey!  I believe Fairview may have been the one of the last communities still skating so late into the season.  There was an army (actually about 12) volunteers that came out for the take down of the boards and clean up.  I can’t THANK YOU […]

Midtown Station Update

October 2023 On September 30, 2023 the developer of Midtown Station has submitted a Land Use Application Amendment (LOC) with the City of Calgary for the Midtown Station project. The application is currently under review and is accepting comments from residents until October 16, 2023. This amendment would change the zoning for future redevelopment of […]