Found in Fairview July 2023

Yee-haw! Stampede is here!  And with it, all the free pancakes you can imagine eating, all the cowboy hats you would ever want to see and that is just on Flavelle Road!

Many years ago, when my teenager was a kidlet, lower Flavelle participated in Neighbour Day.  It was fabulous!  A fire truck showed up, there were games, a bike decorating contest and a mini parade!  Over the years that Neighbour Day event has morphed into a July outdoor morning brunch.  This brunch happens roughly around the time of the Stampede, so cowboy hats and boots are expected.  It also wouldn’t be weird to see a wedding dress or two there, especially if I’m invited. Attendees bring food and drinks to share: eggs, waffles, fruit, doughnuts – you name it, it’s likely on the table!

There are many kids over here on Flavelle and although they are getting older, they still enjoy the breakfast and the games that are setup by the adults. More than once, there has been a talent show where the kids show off their musical skills, dance moves, or comedic chops.

I spoke to Luke, one of the usual party goers, and he said he was pleasantly surprised when he moved here and found out the street does things like this. In his old neighbourhood they didn’t even know anyone on their street. He and his family always have a good time and they get to meet new people they might not have met yet.

It is events like this, and residents like Luke, that make me happy to live in Fairview!

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