We can always use help with our annual events!
Membership Campaign
Every April, dedicated community volunteers canvas our residents homes to sell memberships. Our annual membership is valid from March 1st to the end of February of each year and can be purchased until January 31st of the current membership year. Membership cost is only $20. You can purchase your membership online from our website or complete our membership form in our newsletter and mail it in with your payment, or contact us by phone at (403) 252-5424 or Email Us and we will have one of our volunteers contact you.
Parade of Garage Sales
An annual neighbourhood hunt for treasures for sale, usually in late April or early May. The Fairview Community Association sponsors this event with free advertising and signs for participants. There is no better way to sell your stuff then when 15-20 other houses are also selling stuff! Contact Us for more information.
Spring Fling
Held annually in early May. A time for the community to clean up yards, basements, back alleys and to socialize with their neighbours. Challenge your neighbours to a cleanup contest. A free garage sale is also set up for stuff that may still have value to others. This extremely valuable and popular event is free to dispose of waste if you hold a current Fairview Community Association membership (otherwise there is a cost per load). Volunteers are always appreciated to help with Spring Fling by doing pickups, directing traffic, loading, or sorting. Call (403) 252-5424 or Email Us for more information.
An Evening of Wine and Cheese
In November of 2011 the Fairview Community Association Playground Committee, with very generous support from Focus Equities Ltd. hosted the inaugural Evening of Wine and Cheese and raised over $5000 to benefit the regeneration of our playgrounds! We continue this tradition annually with a fabulous evening of music, art, wine, hors d’oeuvre and a large silent auction.
Bowling with Santa
Every December, the Fairview Community Association hosts a special afternoon when our kids can meet Santa, enjoy treats and hot chocolate, partake in holiday crafts, play games and enjoy free bowling with Santa.
Everything Else
Other activities and events are offered as needed and/or as interest is shown. If you have a great idea for a program or event and would like to volunteer to make it happen, please contact us at (403) 252-5424 or Email Us or contact any Board member.