2023 Fall Family Festival Movie in the Park

The Fairview Community Association hosted our annual Movie in the Park on Friday September 8th. Fairviewers and other movie-goers enjoyed the bouncy houses from Orbits Bouncy House; popcorn and candy from local vendors, Olde Fair Popcorn and Candy Multiverse; and a concession staffed by volunteers that were grilling burgers and hotdogs before the show. Fresh Air Cinema set up early for the sunset screening of “Spider-Man: Across the Multiverse” and it seemed to be a hit for the 150+ people who attended.

As always, our great events are hosted and organized by great community volunteers. A big thank you to Wayne & Nicole McNeely for coordinating the event and getting all the bits and pieces lined up for a successful evening.

Fairview is fortunate to have so many great volunteers to help make events successful. This year we had a great crew of teen volunteers that handed out door prize tickets and ran the concession stand. We had several past and present FCA Board members help out in every way imaginable and we were even powered by a nearby neighbour – thank you!

Big thanks to all our volunteers!

Wayne & Nicole, Les, Alicia, Paul, Michelle, Robyn, Mody, Regan, Megan, Lily, Mia, Robin, Ashlyn, Jade, Cassie, Kyra