Join your Community Association Board of Directors
Do you want to make a difference in your community?
Serving on our volunteer Board of Directors helps you get involved.
Each year, at our AGM in June, we will elect our Board of Directors. Why not considering joining? You can join ANYTIME!
The Fairview Pump Track project, our three recent playground revitalizations and our annual “Movie in the Park” event were all spearheaded by board members. Our volunteer board members also sit on important City committees. You can have a huge impact in your community!
The commitment really is small. Simply attend one board meeting per month (currently we are meeting virtually- and there are no meetings in the summer) and pick one or two items of Community Association business where you feel like you can make an impact.
If you are interested in joining, we encourage you to attend an upcoming monthly Board Meeting (usually the first Tuesday of the month). Contact our secretary for more information.