January 2023
It’s been over three years (thanks, Covid!) since consultation began on the Heritage Communities Local Area Plan (LAP), and the final draft of the plan is finally almost finished. In September 2019, city planners convened with community association representatives and local residents from each of the involved neighbourhoods (Kelvin Grove, Eagle Ridge, Chinook Park, Kingsland, Haysboro, Southwood, Willow Park, Maple Ridge, Acadia, and Fairview), as well as some industry representatives, to kick-off the working group for the plan. This group has been consulted regularly in addition to the City’s other types of public engagement. The project is about to enter Phase 4 (Realize), in which the final draft will be publicized and final comments gathered before presentation to committee and then Calgary City Council.
The FCA had been advocating for City investment in planning for Fairview for some time. We needed a comprehensive document to help manage change in a way that aligned with residents’ visions for the area and future needs. The Heritage Communities LAP sets out a coordinated vision for Fairview and our neighbour communities for the next 30+ years, and is a document that residents, the CA, developers, and the City of Calgary can refer to for common understanding. The LAP does not re-zone or re-designate land use or direct any immediate changes. It outlines “what should and should not go where” in alignment with the larger vision, to provide guidance as change is proposed.
You’ll be able to read the final draft of the document online starting January 24, and join a City-led information session until mid-February to learn about the plan and ask questions. You’ll also receive information in your mailbox, and can get additional copies at the “Idea Station” box in front of NaAC once material is available.
If Fairviewers have questions at any time, feel free to send me an email at elizabeth.duerkop@fairviewcommunity.ca and I will be happy to chat with you. The City’s website for the project is engage.calgary.ca/Heritage.